Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ahhhhh, Creative Space

After eight months of working in the dining room, shuffling books from surface to surface with myriad distractions and logistical challenges like actually eating in the dining room - I finally have my office back.
Rosie was using my office as her bedroom since they moved in. We even let her pick out the color for the walls. Green. Disney, Little-Mermaid green. Perfect for a six year old who's into princesses and fairies, not so much for an adult artist-writer-student. Happily she and her mom moved into their own apartment last weekend.
I thought about waiting a couple of months to paint, but the color was so intense that the light reflected green onto whatever was in the room, yes that includes people - when a person walked into the room they looked seasick. Not exactly the peaceful/creative space I craved.
After the truck pulled away my first errand was to the hardware store to pick up paint and primer. For the record it took a coat of primer and two coats of paint to banish the green. The new color is a little more intense than I thought it would be, but it reflects a lovely warm glow into the room and makes the most of the natural light from outside, which is good since the windows face north and west. My sister, Lois came up yesterday and helped me paint and then helped move the office furniture back in, she hung all the artwork while I replaced books on the shelves. I'm home at last. It feels great. Here's a copy of the results.

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