Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another Saturday....

Homework - gotta love it. Today I'm trying to refresh my memory regarding rationals, radicals and roots. Sounds like a lawfirm doesn't it? The firm of Rational, Radical and Root, specializing in tax shelters and corporate law. Hmmmm....wonder if they can set up a trust. Maybe I should do a Leona Helmsley and leave my vast fortune to the cats.
This is Gatto (a little unimaginative, I know) -he came with the name and any attempt to change it has been met with supreme indifference. Indifference describes him very well as a matter of fact. He's currently curled up on the sofa snoring. Loudly. Imagine how hard it is to stay motivated when you are sharing the room with someone so intensely asleep.
I should mention that although he technically belongs to Annika - he feels he's above the whole ownership thing. He treats all of us as staff, when he decides to notice us at all.
Oh well, enough of a break - back to work. Wish me luck.

Friday, September 21, 2007 asleep.
It's hard to believe that another summer has slipped away. School starts on Monday and before I crawl back into the world of academia I wanted to get some random thoughts on the nature of reality out - you know, light stuff.
As a society we tend to identify ourselves with various archetypes, I'm currently dealing with a group of folks who identify strongly with the victim stereotype (I did at one point in my life - but that's a post for another day). It's true that they have been wronged at various points in their lives and, rightfully, have a lot of anger and fear from those experiences. But I'm coming to realize that a victim is a very powerless place from which to live, true that there is a certain amount of sympathy that can be gleaned from that position, but a victim has given all of their power to the people around them, and can only gain power from pity.
The other problem with this world view, is that a victim requires a villain. That paints any relationship as fundamentally unequal. So- how does one move beyond that victimhood to reclaim one's power and grow from these toxic experiences? Any thoughts?