Fall.....ing asleep.
It's hard to believe that another summer has slipped away. School starts on Monday and before I crawl back into the world of academia I wanted to get some random thoughts on the nature of reality out - you know, light stuff.
As a society we tend to identify ourselves with various archetypes, I'm currently dealing with a group of folks who identify strongly with the victim stereotype (I did at one point in my life - but that's a post for another day). It's true that they have been wronged at various points in their lives and, rightfully, have a lot of anger and fear from those experiences. But I'm coming to realize that a victim is a very powerless place from which to live, true that there is a certain amount of sympathy that can be gleaned from that position, but a victim has given all of their power to the people around them, and can only gain power from pity.
The other problem with this world view, is that a victim requires a villain. That paints any relationship as fundamentally unequal. So- how does one move beyond that victimhood to reclaim one's power and grow from these toxic experiences? Any thoughts?
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